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Number of Choice Hotels locations in UNITED KINGDOM

Data updated on April 26, 2023
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Top States with the most Choice Hotels locations:



Location (100%)


Population: 56.29M
A location for every 169539 people, with about 100% of the total number of Choice Hotels locations

How many Choice Hotels locations are there in UNITED KINGDOM?

There are a total of 12 choicehotels locations in UNITED KINGDOM as of April 26, 2023 The city with the most number of Choice Hotels locations in the UNITED KINGDOM is London with 6 locations, which is 50% of all choicehotels locations in UNITED KINGDOM.


Choice Hotels Locations




Download Choice Hotels Store Locations Dataset

You can download the full database of Choice Hotels locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide

Comfort Inn Kings Cross 2-7 St. Chad's Street London ENGLANDWC1H 8BD UNITED KINGDOM******0 78371940 51.529996-0.12132https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb049
Comfort Inn Victoria 18 - 24 Belgrave Road London ENGLANDSW1V 1QF UNITED KINGDOM******07 2336636 51.493053-0.144445https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb113
Comfort Inn Ramsgate Victoria Parade Ramsgate ENGLANDCT11 8DT UNITED KINGDOM******843 592345 51.3368071.428791https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/ramsgate/comfort-inn-hotels/gb124
Comfort Inn & Suites Kings Cross St. Pancras 31-33 Argyle Street London ENGLANDWC1H 8EP UNITED KINGDOM****** 442078373109 51.528923-0.123327https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb143
Comfort Inn Edgware Road W2 450 Edgware Road London ENGLANDW2 1EG UNITED KINGDOM******0 77243569 51.523-0.174https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb157
Comfort Hotel Great Yarmouth 14 Albert Square Great Yarmouth ENGLANDNR30 3JH UNITED KINGDOM******493 855070 52.6000011.733799https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/great-yarmouth/comfort-inn-hotels/gb162
Comfort Inn Hyde Park 73 Queensborough Terrace London ENGLANDW2 3SU UNITED KINGDOM******07 2296424 51.51093-0.18483https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb182
Comfort Inn Manchester North 818 Manchester Old Road Manchester ENGLANDM24 4RF UNITED KINGDOM******61 6551702 53.542287-2.233557https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/manchester/comfort-inn-hotels/gb207
Comfort Inn Westminster 39 Belgrave Rd. London ENGLANDSW1V 2BB UNITED KINGDOM******0 78348036 51.490797-0.139075https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb209
Comfort Inn Sunderland Timber Beach Road Sunderland ENGLANDSR5 3XG UNITED KINGDOM******191 548 5322 54.918658-1.428916https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/sunderland/comfort-inn-hotels/gb214
    "name": "Comfort Inn Kings Cross                      ",
    "address": "2-7 St. Chad's Street    ",
    "city": "London         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "WC1H 8BD ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******0 78371940    ",
    "lat": "51.529996",
    "lng": "-0.12132",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb049         "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Victoria                         ",
    "address": "18 - 24 Belgrave Road    ",
    "city": "London         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "SW1V 1QF ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******07 2336636    ",
    "lat": "51.493053",
    "lng": "-0.144445",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb113         "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Ramsgate                         ",
    "address": "Victoria Parade          ",
    "city": "Ramsgate       ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "CT11 8DT ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******843 592345    ",
    "lat": "51.336807",
    "lng": "1.428791",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/ramsgate/comfort-inn-hotels/gb124       "
    "name": "Comfort Inn & Suites Kings Cross St. Pancras ",
    "address": "31-33 Argyle Street      ",
    "city": "London         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "WC1H 8EP ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "****** 442078373109 ",
    "lat": "51.528923",
    "lng": "-0.123327",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb143         "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Edgware Road W2                  ",
    "address": "450 Edgware Road         ",
    "city": "London         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "W2 1EG   ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******0 77243569    ",
    "lat": "51.523",
    "lng": "-0.174",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb157         "
    "name": "Comfort Hotel Great Yarmouth                 ",
    "address": "14 Albert Square         ",
    "city": "Great Yarmouth ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "NR30 3JH ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******493 855070    ",
    "lat": "52.600001",
    "lng": "1.733799",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/great-yarmouth/comfort-inn-hotels/gb162 "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Hyde Park                        ",
    "address": "73 Queensborough Terrace ",
    "city": "London         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "W2 3SU   ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******07 2296424    ",
    "lat": "51.51093",
    "lng": "-0.18483",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb182         "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Manchester North                 ",
    "address": "818 Manchester Old Road  ",
    "city": "Manchester     ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "M24 4RF  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******61 6551702    ",
    "lat": "53.542287",
    "lng": "-2.233557",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/manchester/comfort-inn-hotels/gb207     "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Westminster                      ",
    "address": "39 Belgrave Rd.          ",
    "city": "London         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "SW1V 2BB ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******0 78348036    ",
    "lat": "51.490797",
    "lng": "-0.139075",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/london/comfort-inn-hotels/gb209         "
    "name": "Comfort Inn Sunderland                       ",
    "address": "Timber Beach Road        ",
    "city": "Sunderland     ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "SR5 3XG  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******191 548 5322  ",
    "lat": "54.918658",
    "lng": "-1.428916",
    "url": "https://******oicehotels.com/en-uk/united-kingdom/sunderland/comfort-inn-hotels/gb214     "

Number of location by each state

State/TerritoryNumber Of Locations

Number of Choice Hotels locations in UNITED KINGDOM

download this data in CSV, Esri Shapefile, Excel, GeoJSON or KML (Google Earth) file formats.

Top 7 cities with the most number of Choice Hotels
locations in UNITED KINGDOM

CityState/TerritoryCity Total Locations
Sunderland ENGLAND1
Birmingham ENGLAND1
Ramsgate ENGLAND1
Manchester ENGLAND1
Great Yarmouth ENGLAND1
Arundel ENGLAND1

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Download the complete database of Choice Hotels locations in UNITED KINGDOM

You can download the complete list of 12 Choice Hotels location data as an Excel file, along with geo coded address, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
