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Number of United Carpets and Beds locations in UNITED KINGDOM

Data updated on April 26, 2023
$18 $36 (50% off)
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Aaron Z. Tokayer, MD

5.0 4 reviews

111 E 210th St, Bronx, NY 10467
  • Bronx, New York
  • United States
  • +1 866-633-8255

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Top States with the most United Carpets and Beds locations:



Location (96%)


Population: 56.29M
A location for every 169539 people, with about 96% of the total number of United Carpets and Beds locations


Location (3%)


Population: 3.15M
A location for every 242529 people, with about 3% of the total number of United Carpets and Beds locations

How many United Carpets and Beds locations are there in UNITED KINGDOM?

There are a total of 56 unitedcarpetsandbeds locations in UNITED KINGDOM as of April 26, 2023 The city with the most number of United Carpets and Beds locations in the UNITED KINGDOM is Nottingham with 3 locations, which is 6% of all unitedcarpetsandbeds locations in UNITED KINGDOM.


United Carpets and Beds Locations




Download United Carpets and Beds Store Locations Dataset

You can download the full database of United Carpets and Beds locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 10 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide

Crewe 10 Nantwich Road Crewe ENGLANDCW2 6AD UNITED KINGDOM******70 210371 53.08887334-2.43681448https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/crewe/
Cheadle Hulme Earl Road Cheadle Hulme ENGLANDSK8 6PT UNITED KINGDOM******1 485 7529 53.35897125-2.20267586https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/cheadle-hulme/
Boston 45 Main Ridge East Boston ENGLANDPE21 6ST UNITED KINGDOM******05 358700 52.97789429-0.01802598https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/boston/
Hull Southcoates Lane Southcoates Lane Hull ENGLANDHU9 3AP UNITED KINGDOM******82 707191 53.75740169-0.29659161https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/hull-southcoates-lane/
Cardiff Sloper Road Cardiff WALESCF11 8AA UNITED KINGDOM****** 2038 3770 51.46771241-3.19212232https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/cardiff/
Nottingham Long Eaton Unit 4, High Street Long Eaton ENGLANDNG10 1HY UNITED KINGDOM******5 973 6336 52.89628659-1.26635242https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/long-eaton/
Leicester Aylestone Road 489 Aylestone Road Leicester ENGLANDLE2 8TB UNITED KINGDOM******6 244 0144 52.60882602-1.1487279https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/leicester- aylestone-road/
Keighley HardIngs Road Keighley ENGLANDBD21 3ND UNITED KINGDOM******35 663999 53.87480568-1.90137037https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/keighley/
Preston 393 New Hall Lane Preston ENGLANDPR1 4SY UNITED KINGDOM******72 655570 53.76587446-2.66522031https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/Preston/
Pontefract Unit 3B South Baileygate Pontefract ENGLANDWF8 2LN UNITED KINGDOM******77 602603 53.69576477-1.29807886https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/pontefract/
    "name": "Crewe                      ",
    "address": "10 Nantwich Road                                          ",
    "city": "Crewe              ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "CW2 6AD  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******70 210371  ",
    "lat": "53.08887334",
    "lng": "-2.43681448",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/crewe/                        "
    "name": "Cheadle Hulme              ",
    "address": "Earl Road                                                 ",
    "city": "Cheadle Hulme      ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "SK8 6PT  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******1 485 7529 ",
    "lat": "53.35897125",
    "lng": "-2.20267586",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/cheadle-hulme/                "
    "name": "Boston                     ",
    "address": "45 Main Ridge East                                        ",
    "city": "Boston             ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "PE21 6ST ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******05 358700  ",
    "lat": "52.97789429",
    "lng": "-0.01802598",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/boston/                       "
    "name": "Hull Southcoates Lane      ",
    "address": "Southcoates Lane                                          ",
    "city": "Hull               ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "HU9 3AP  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******82 707191  ",
    "lat": "53.75740169",
    "lng": "-0.29659161",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/hull-southcoates-lane/        "
    "name": "Cardiff                    ",
    "address": "Sloper Road                                               ",
    "city": "Cardiff            ",
    "state": "WALES",
    "zip": "CF11 8AA ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "****** 2038 3770 ",
    "lat": "51.46771241",
    "lng": "-3.19212232",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/cardiff/                      "
    "name": "Nottingham Long Eaton      ",
    "address": "Unit 4, High Street                                       ",
    "city": "Long Eaton         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "NG10 1HY ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******5 973 6336 ",
    "lat": "52.89628659",
    "lng": "-1.26635242",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/long-eaton/                   "
    "name": "Leicester Aylestone Road   ",
    "address": "489 Aylestone Road                                        ",
    "city": "Leicester          ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "LE2 8TB  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******6 244 0144 ",
    "lat": "52.60882602",
    "lng": "-1.1487279",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/leicester- aylestone-road/    "
    "name": "Keighley                   ",
    "address": "HardIngs Road                                             ",
    "city": "Keighley           ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "BD21 3ND ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******35 663999  ",
    "lat": "53.87480568",
    "lng": "-1.90137037",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/keighley/                     "
    "name": "Preston                    ",
    "address": "393 New Hall Lane                                         ",
    "city": "Preston            ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "PR1 4SY  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******72 655570  ",
    "lat": "53.76587446",
    "lng": "-2.66522031",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/Preston/                      "
    "name": "Pontefract                 ",
    "address": "Unit 3B South Baileygate                                  ",
    "city": "Pontefract         ",
    "state": "ENGLAND",
    "zip": "WF8 2LN  ",
    "country": "UNITED KINGDOM",
    "phone": "******77 602603  ",
    "lat": "53.69576477",
    "lng": "-1.29807886",
    "url": "https://******itedcarpetsandbeds.com/storelocator/pontefract/                   "

Number of location by each state

State/TerritoryNumber Of Locations

Number of United Carpets and Beds locations in UNITED KINGDOM

download this data in CSV, Esri Shapefile, Excel, GeoJSON or KML (Google Earth) file formats.

Top 10 cities with the most number of United Carpets and Beds
locations in UNITED KINGDOM

CityState/TerritoryCity Total Locations
Nottingham ENGLAND3
Rotherham ENGLAND2
Sheffield ENGLAND2
Birmingham ENGLAND2
Stoke-on-Trent ENGLAND2
Leicester ENGLAND2
Sleaford ENGLAND1
Cheadle Hulme ENGLAND1

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Download the complete database of United Carpets and Beds locations in UNITED KINGDOM

You can download the complete list of 56 United Carpets and Beds location data as an Excel file, along with geo coded address, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.
